
Direct mail… Back-in-the-day or Future Play?

With all the talk of social media, cell phone apps, email marketing, spam and the list goes on and on of “relevant” ways to keep in touch with and obtain new clients, I’ve asked myself if good old fashion direct mail is a back-in-the-day solution or a future play?

I don’t know about you, but I assume that Google and Yahoo know a thing or two about marketing, and I have been receiving direct mail from them recently promoting new ways to advertise my business and promote my products on their sites! Seems like a pretty strong case for direct mail to me. Can you appreciate the irony? Google and Yahoo using snail mail to promote their high tech web services.



Commercial Printing Awards are nice… but that’s not why we’re here!

Winning awards is nice.  There’s no other way to put it. When you work hard, doing your best day-in and day-out, it’s just nice to feel appreciated.  It’s ESPECIALLY nice when you are appreciated by your Professional peers.

PrintImage Excellence Awards Icon

Earlier this month, we were fortunate to receive awards in 3 categories at this year’s PrintImage Excellence Awards.  It’s a national competition and the judges are graphic designers, professional print buyers, printing professionals, and ad agency representatives… so pretty much people that understand printing from all sides.

Of course, it’s an honor to be recognized for our efforts but it’s important to point out that awards, while wonderful to receive, aren’t our motivation. We’re passionate about what we do.  We enjoy putting ink-on-paper… the technology behind it all… and working with our often-demanding but incredibly loyal clients.  Taking their projects, and applying our skills and experience to deliver better than imagined results, is something that really pumps us up! As Bob Moura, the president of our company likes to say, “We’re in the WOW business!”

So yes… winning awards is nice. We’re glad to have won, and we hope to win more in the future. We’ll continue to keep you updated, but in the meantime we’ll continue to do what we do: Offer innovative  printing services, high-tech business solutions like ePrint our web 2 print storefront and Symphony, our Multi Channel Marketing solution, fast  turnaround, and the commitment and experience to tie it all together in order to deliver a WOW experience for our clients.

arlier this month, we were fortunate to receive awards in 3 categories at this year’s PrintImage Excellence Awards.  It’s a national competition and there were several outstanding entries this year. The judging panel is made up of graphic designers, professional print buyers, printing professionals, and ad agency representatives… so pretty much people that understand printing from all sides.



Of course, it’s an honor to be recognized for our efforts but it’s important to point out that awards, while wonderful to receive, aren’t our motivation. We come to work each day, and give it our fullest and best efforts because we’re passionate about what we do.  We enjoy ink-on-paper… we enjoy the technology behind it all… we enjoy working with our often-demanding but incredibly loyal clients.  Taking their projects, and applying our skills and experience to make them better than imagined, is something that really pumps us up!




o yes… winning awards is nice. We’re glad to have won, and will hope to win more awards in the future. We’ll continue to keep you aware of our progress, but in the meantime we’ll continue to do what we do: Offer quality printing services, high-tech business solutions like ePrint and Symphony, fast  turnaround, and the commitment and experience to tie it all together.



Green Printing…. what does it really mean?

We love paper… LOVE it!  Our slogan for the past 30 years has been “Making You Look Better On Paper, ON TIME!”  It’s something we truly believe in and strive to accomplish daily. We also hope that it’s something that all printers, graphic designer, and marketing professionals all agree on: Paper ROCKS!



Direct Mail isn’t going anywhere…

For years we’ve been hearing about the “paperless office” and the death of the printing industry.  While it’s true that the industry has been changing, printing is still a very trusted method of communication. What’s even more surprising is that even among the coveted 18-34 year old market segment, print is the preferred method of receiving information.

Let me say that again… (more…)