
Graphic Design Tips & Tricks | Easy Holiday Snowflakes

Happy Holidays! Have you been preparing your Holiday cards, or winter print ads or marketing materials?  Nothing says “Winter” like the image of snowflakes, and if you want to know how to create your own original custom snowflakes quick and easily, you’ve come to the right place!



Tips & Tricks for your Graphic Design Portfolio | Coils and Spirals

Adobe Illustrator has also been the Graphic Designer’s “go-to” program for creating and manipulating vector based artwork. It’s withstood the test of time, and each release keeps getting better and better.  Granted, some people will always defend their personal preference (Like those die-hard, loyal CorelDRAW fanatics, who are convinced their program is the best.)  Personally, I actually enjoy illustrating with Flash because I think Bézier curves are a bit archaic and Flash handles line art in a more fluid and hand drawn manner…. but that just MY opinion.



Digital Image Editing | Removing an Image From It’s Background

Photoshop has come a long way since its original release back in 1991.  Sure… I know some of you hardcore Adobe fans will argue and say it first came out in 1988. But let’s get real… Photoshop didn’t REALLY become impressive until it’s version 2.0 release. 
