Learn How Small Businesses Can Vastly Improve Their Sales and Marketing Response Rates By Completing the Simple Exercise Below.
Are you clear about what value you bring to your clients?
Do you speak your customers language?
Most of us speak in our marketing and presentations about what “we” do and the great tools “we” have to do “it” with.
Consider what drives you to buy from Vendor A over Vendor B.
Is it about them and their tools, or is it about you and how their tools solve your problems?
Consider the following when preparing your sales and marketing campaigns:
Speak in Your Clients Language
- Understand their needs
- Use their language and terms
- Tailor the pitch to their business
- Propose a solutions that solves their problems and needs, not yours
Here’s the Simple Exercise:
Can you fill in the information (in parenthesis) below regarding your company?
How (who you sell to) can (insert verb) (insert problem) through (insert solution).
Universal Printing example for pharmaceutical marketing:
How (leading Pharmaceutical companies) can (improve their patient recruitment results and lower cost) thorough (leveraging the benefits of QR codes, mobile optimized web sites and social media).
Now do this exercise for your company and your customers and watch your results soar.
PS: Did you notice that the title of this article conforms to the exercise? Got your attention, didn’t it?
Keeping it Simple and Clear –
Happy Sales!
Bob Moura
Universal Printing
Offering quality printing and communications solutions to
Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and the Triangle since 1979.
Tags: business solutions, emarketing, tips and tricks, Tips for improving direct mail and email marketing