It’s true… Universal Printing has decided to enter the Blogging phenomenon.
There are many reasons for a business to establish an internet presence, but why a blog?
Some might ask:
“Isn’t that overkill?
“Is it really necessary?”
“Why even do it?”
Well, in the interest of full disclosure, there are several reasons we wanted to start a blog. There’s certainly an advantage to having a blog when it comes to search engines, and search engine optimization LOVES blogs. In fact, Google and other search engines rewards sites that are linked to Blogs that are updated often. No harm in wanting more web-traffic and exposure, right?
Also, in this age of “Social Media,” a company almost HAS to broaden their internet presence and have a corporate identity that spans well into the web. The web is the way we communicate now. It’s where we get our information. It’s where we research, and where we shop. When you factor in the impact that YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook have had on all of us, it just makes sense to reach out where the people are!
Which really brings us to the main reason: why we Blog… why we bother… why we’ve bought into the hype: For our customers! If you are reading this, YOU are why we blog. We want to reach our current customers, our potential customers, our future customers. We want to share ideas, hear your feedback, share our expertise, and provide good information. When it’s all said and done, it’s really just that simple.
So tell us what you think. Give us your ideas on how Universal Printing can become a better partner. How can we help you do your business better? We look forward to your comments.