
Is Printing Offshore a Good Idea, or Just Plain Lame?

Offshore Printing - Just Plain Lame

We’ve noticed over the past several years that some of our clients have tried the offshore printing gig (like in China, for example.) As far as we can tell, they have all come back to buying locally with someone they can trust, have a face to face conversation with, and avoid experiencing any of the challenging cultural differences.

This experience has been both rewarding and frustrating for us. Frustrating because we usually don’t find out until a client has already printed overseas, been burned or let down, and then come back. Rewarding because they do come back, with similar stories and a realization that the trust, professionalism, quality and reliability we provide as a “given”, which they had previously taken for granted, has real value to their companies.



Direct Mail isn’t going anywhere…

For years we’ve been hearing about the “paperless office” and the death of the printing industry.  While it’s true that the industry has been changing, printing is still a very trusted method of communication. What’s even more surprising is that even among the coveted 18-34 year old market segment, print is the preferred method of receiving information.

Let me say that again… (more…)