
Tips & Tricks for your Graphic Design Portfolio | InDesign Columns

Adobe InDesign continues to refine and improve it’s tools. The video below is a review of the Column Splitting and Spanning feature, which helps eliminate the need for multiple text boxes.  This is ESPECIALLY handy for magazine and newsletter layout, where you might have multiple headers and the potential for far too many text boxes.  If you’ve been doing Graphic Design and Page Layout for very long, you’ve no doubt already dealt with clients or editors who’ve made very substantial changes, maybe even massive re-writes, which requires a major amount of reflowing and rearranging of your layouts.   Life will be so much easier if you use this simple and handy technique to eliminate unnecessary text boxes and keep things neat, tidy, and easy to rework if needed.

Another important point to make is this: The faster and more efficient you can work and rework your projects, the more time you’ll have to take on more.  Your clients will be happy with how quickly you can turn out their projects, and you’ll be happy with the time you’ll save.  Just remember, when everyone is so happy, that Universal Printing was here for you the whole time, sharing our tips, tricks, and experience, to help you become a better designer and have better files for printing.

And as always, many more tutorial videos like the one above can be found on our YouTube channel.  Let us know which tips and tricks you’d like to see!  Leave your suggestions in the comments field below, or leave a comment or video response on any of our YouTube tutorial videos.



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Universal Printing
Offering quality printing and communications solutions to
Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and the Triangle since 1979.


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