
Commercial Printing Tips: Understanding Ink Coverage

Here at Universal Printing, we love “Good Design.”  Thank You Mr. Puppy, for helping us underand Total Ink CoverageNot only do we have our own talented Design professionals in-house, but we’ve been fortunate to work with a number of amazing Ad Agencies and Independent Designers from around the country. Everyone has their own style and work habits, but almost all of them have one thing in common: They always want tips, suggestions, and feedback from their Printing Partner. 



Your Printing New Year’s Resolution… Is To Understand Resolution!

DPI… PPI… dots per inch… points per inch… pixels per inch… No matter how you say it, it all comes down to one simple thing: RESOLUTION. In order to get the BEST print quality from your images, you need to know it, understand it, and never take it for granted.



Why In the WORLD would I go to a Printing Company for Graphic Design?

Universal Printing takes great pride in offering the best of all graphic communication worlds: Award Winning Graphic Design, G7 Master Printer level digital output and commercial printing, and the latest in Direct Mail, featuring variable data and cross-media marketing solutions.  Over the years, we’ve worked with a lot of clients and companies who find themselves getting into a 2- or 3-prong approach with their projects: One company for design, another print, and sometimes even a third to handle the mailing.  Not a very efficient process, in our opinion.  WE always want to focus more on what is in the best interest of our clients.  Here’s a few reasons why a “single source solution” makes sense.



Commercial Offset Printing: Just Ink on Paper… or IS it?!

It should be pretty clear to anyone who knows and does business with us, that we love what we do!  Each day is different, filled with new projects and opportunities (and occasionally some  “curve balls” to troubleshoot and solve.) But I can promise… it’s NEVER boring!  We work on a lot of different types of projects, too.  Sometimes we have an awesome graphic design project in-house or some large direct mail project, other times we’ll have complex kits to produce and assemble.  It’s safe to say, that every project we work on is unique and important in its own way.



5 Things to Remember for Setting Up Your Files for Printing

Great printing starts with great files.  I haven’t crunched the numbers, but I would guess that maybe 9 out of 10 jobs delayed from getting on press are because those files had to be kicked back and fixed.  For those clients that send files which are truly “print ready”…  THEY get 1 million COOL POINTS!

Here are a few things to keep in mind when setting up files for printing:



Digital Image Editing | Removing an Image From It’s Background

Photoshop has come a long way since its original release back in 1991.  Sure… I know some of you hardcore Adobe fans will argue and say it first came out in 1988. But let’s get real… Photoshop didn’t REALLY become impressive until it’s version 2.0 release. 
